The entire ARC FLASH PROTECTION 8 CAL/CM² garment undergoes rigorous testing according to ASTM, F1506, ASTMF2621, and NFPA 70E standards, featuring flame-resistant knitted fabric cuffs and collar for complete sealing at the wrist and neck areas to mitigate any sparks or flashes in case of an incident. Enhanced design elements include a leg closure pull-through tab for the waist and an aesthetically superior face shield for comprehensive protection and improved color recognition.
PPE Category 2, with a minimum arc rating of 8 cal/cm², typically involves the use of a single layer of Arc Rated PPE. Many companies facing exposures that would fit within Category 1 often opt for Category 2 clothing to address both levels of protection. Presently, the comfort levels of PPE for both Category 1 and 2 are comparable, making Category 2 clothing a more sensible choice.